Wind Basics Poster

Wind Basics Poster

Wind Basics Poster. Find out information about wind and wind terminology that you will need to do wind powered sports.

For wind-powered sports like sailing, windsurfing and kitesurfing, it's important to know about wind - and this poster covers all the basics!

Whether you are an instructor teaching the beginner levels, or have just started doing wind-powered sports yourself, this poster displays the basics in a fun, colourful and animated format. The topics covered explain, in an easy to understand format, wind terminology relative to sports.

poster displays:
  • How wind is measured + what is an anemometer
  • What the Beaufort Wind Scale is
  • Explanation of what gusts and lulls are
  • Explanation of what Clean air is / clear
  • How we refer to wind directions by the direction they are coming from
  • How wind direction changes weather
  • Explanation of veering and backing wind
related resources

This poster directly compliments our  Wind Powerpoint / Keynote Presentation.

Download includes:

1 x Full colour Infographic - screen only, however can be printed onto two A4 sheets.

For more in-depth resources on the Beaufort Scale why not try our Beaufort Wind Scale Poster.   Or try our Beaufort Scale Mix Up Challenge to test your students' knowledge.

Want to find out more about wind for sailing in? Our Wind direction poster, Windmill activity and Wind indicator crosswords are worth checking out!

  • Version 1
  • Download 120
  • File Size 725.98 KB
  • File Count 1
  • Create Date 10 October, 2020
  • Last Updated 02 February, 2024